The Easter eggs are rolling in Wickford RI 02852
The Easter eggs are rolling in Wickford RI 02852. From big kids to tiny tots it is time to get out on April 23rd, Saturday, to breathe the spring air and to welcome the hares and the rabbits to our doors because it is Easter weekend all. It is time to have fun in RI real estate.
Wilson Park Easter Egg Hunt. Sponsored by the North Kingstown Recreation department and will be held at 1 p.m. on Saturday, April 23rd, in Wilson Park at 201 West Main Road in Wickford. It is free so just be there. A magic show will be held prior to the easter egg hunt at Noon time. So bring you slight of hand tricks and be prepared to go home with some new ones! If you haven’t experienced Wilson Park for your outdoor activities now is the time to explore and enjoy: jogging trails, tennis courts, soccer fields, basketball and play areas. Also, there is a boat launching area here right along the waterfront that is used by all homeowners with the boating bent to enjoy the coastal waters of Narragansett Bay and beyond. So come out and explore what a great town with activities we have in North Kingstown.
Casey Farm East Egg Hunt. Heading down Boston Neck Road, going south, outside of Wickford by Plum Beach is the historic Casey Farm at 2325 Boston Neck Road which is one of the oldest working farms in South County RI. Now at 10:30 am on Saturday, April 23rd, a real hunt for fresh eggs right from the farm’s chickens will be what is be hunted ( so better to bring a soft cushion basket and lots of redi wipes with you!). Call 295-1030 for more information and to make reservations. Actually this would be a great day to explore this historic farm with all the little piggies, chicks and all their other farm animals. Get out there and share the day with your family locally.
May all of you enjoy your family time this weekend. The Easter eggs are rolling in Wickford RI 02852.
Flckr photo by josh berglund19
Ginny Lacey Gorman is your go to agent for homes for sale in North Kingstown RI and beyond…knowing the geographic area, schools, happenings, important tidbits of local information and businesses well. She’s the RI agent with the Sparkly Red Shoes. Waterfront, oceanfront, luxury and coastal RI homes for sale are her specialty but all of RI is her backyard.
When you are in need of a good professional for your buying and selling needs find an internet savvy marketer who sells RI houses in this real estate market and call Ginny at 401.529.7849.
Hi Ginny….I hope the weather hold out tomorrow…’s suppose to be good on Sunday…..Have a Happy Easter, Ginny.