Ginny Gorman, Waterfront RI Real Estate Agent


Ginny Gorman the Waterfront RI Real Estate Agent


Client Testimonials

Thank you for finding me. If you are looking to write a review for Ginny Lacey Gorman‘s client testimonial page, you have the right location.  If you want to see what clients have written about this waterfront RI real estate agent you can do that also.

What my clients are saying about my real estate service, delivery and closing the house deal for them – well I am all ears.  Delivering the highest level of customer service is a must and concierge property service at its best is my ongoing goal.

I want to know the bad (if there is any) as well as the good (which should be many) in every RI real estate transaction no matter how difficult it was to complete.  Selling homes the right way, and there is a right way, helps me love my job.   It is an honor and pleasure to work for and with my clients on their home buying or selling needs.

My work ethic, per my clients, amazes them all the time.  I do work 24/7 and probably enjoy workwaterfront RI Real Estate Agent  more than vacation time!  But that is me.  My care and handling of every unique client must be exceptional.  I want to thank every client who has taken the time to write a review for me.  My past clients are my best source for future clients.   Learning  is earning in this business and I want satisfied and repeat customers.


Coastal Rhode Island real estate is my specialty.  Being on top of regulatory CRMC, FEMA flood zones and DEM waste water changes, for example, are all part of my job so I can deliver better customer service to my clients.  Understanding and learning the differences in the RI waterfront landscape enables me to do my job well for clients…always learning how to do it better for them is my responsibility.


So please take a moment to hear what people are saying about Ginny Gorman, waterfront RI real estate agent, from her client testimonials.  You can also check her client reviews on Zillow.   I would love the opportunity to help you in your real estate needs so call me today at 401.529.7849 or email me at today to set up a call.