RI Flood Plain Towns – Hurricane Impact- RI Real Estate

RI Flood Plain Towns – Hurricane Impact- RI Real Estate

RI Flood Plain Towns - Hurricane Impact- RI Real Estate


We are coastal, ocean front and waterfront in Rhode Island – that is part of the allure of this RI real estate when out of state buyers step into it – they don’t want to leave. Oh no, they want to buy a piece of coastal RI real estate and who could blame them.


I am a Rhode Islander and desire the same! Yet with the miles of exposed coastline we have in RI it bares our coastal towns to potential flooding- especially in the towns of Westerly, Block Island, Charlestown, Narragansett, South Kingstown and Barrington. These RI flood plain towns have the most areas of flood plains than any other communities in RI.


This impacts the towns based upon the storm surge which is expected to be at least 10 feet plus above what we are use to along coastal RI. This is due to the storm hitting at high tide and the moon phase.


But even in North Kingstown we have areas that will be in great distress so please be on the alert list. Also, Rhode Island Emergency Management has this map that based upon the Hurricane level (1,2, 3) of how the flooding will occur in all southern RI.


The moratorium on getting flood insurance is in place so what you have for insurance at the present time will remain as such throughout this Hurricane Irene. As I have written about in other posts on flood plains and flood insurance…know where you live and adequately protect your property for the hurricanes and flood damage at hand.


If you have a mortgage on your property, it is almost guaranteed that your lender requires flood plain insurance on your property at least to cover the mortgage.


But is that enough? Not if you have devastating damage and your insurance coverage only takes care of the mortgage! If you have not pulled your policy out yet, it better be now for Hurricane Irene is calling us as it heads up to our RI coastline.

It is a hard lesson to learn and not be protected flood wise, it may be too late for this hurricane.

RI Flood Plain Towns – Hurricane Impact- RI Real Estate.


Ginny Lacey Gorman is your go to North Kingstown real estate agent for homes in North Kingstown RI and beyond…knowing the geographic area, schools, happenings,important tidbits of information and businesses well.

Waterfront, oceanfront, luxury and coastal RI real estate are her specialty but all of RI is her backyard. When you are in need of a good professional for your buying and selling needs and an internet savvy marketer who sells RI houses in this real estate market – call Ginny at 401.529.7849.