North Kingstown RI Tax Assessments |
Statistical Revaluation 2015
The town of North Kingstown has had Vision Government Solutions complete the 3 year statistical revaluation 2015 of all properties for the North Kingstown RI tax assessments. Rhode Island state law mandates that a full revaluation be done every 9 years (last one done in 2012 in town) and a statistical revaluation every 3 and 6 years.

The new property assessments for 2016 have been calculated and sent to all homeowners as of this date. Since the property sold values in the marketplace have risen since the last revaluation it will be typical to have your property values increase in North Kingstown. If you have not received your new property revaluations, you should contact the Town’s Tax Assessor’s office.
Any and all tax assessment reviews must be scheduled no later than February 26, 2016 if you believe your revaluation is inaccurate or to review the new assessment. All calls must be directed to the company that performed the statistical revaluation, Vision Government Solutions ( do NOT call the tax assessor’s office). You must have the PID number and schedule to make your appointment with the company (it is on the revaluation letter you received in the mail in the upper right corner).
Schedule an appointment with Vision Government Solutions by going to this web site address: or call 1-888-844-4300 (Monday- Friday 9 am- 4 pm). Any and all questions must be directed to this company.
Please be aware that atll exemptions to assessments are not shown in this new revaluation amount but will be applied later. Also, the tax rate will change so do not use the current tax rate to calculate your new tax bill. That rate will be determined by the end of summer 2016 when the town’s final budget is approved.
All challenges and appeals to the tax bills for North Kingstown, after meeting with the tax revaluation company, must be in writing and the appeal filed with the Tax Assessor’s office after tax bills are mailed in June 2016.
This is a public service blog post by the top selling North Kingstown real estate agent, Ginny Gorman, of RI coastal real estate. If you need assistance in RI real estate, please reach out to me at 401.529.7849 or email me at today. Realize that property taxes are part of all homeowners lives and that your property taxes is a bona fide deduction when you file your income tax.
North Kingstown RI Tax Assessments | Statistical Revaluation 2015
When you are in need of a top selling North Kingstown real estate professional and specialist for your buying, selling or relocating home needs and an internet savvy real estate agent & marketer who sells RI houses in this real estate market call Ginny at 401.529. 7849 or email me at
Ginny is true full service Realtor. She listens to understand your priorities and makes the navigation of Rhode Island Real Estate site easy. Ginny has a good eye for detail in both property and the buying/selling process. Most importantly, she proactively communicates throughout the entire selling process, so you know what has happened, and what will happen next. She also has an amazing network of other agents throughout the country that she can refer you to…made the difference for me in my out of state move.
Ginny get’s my highest recommendation as a RI realtor to use.
Thank you so much Andy…it was a pleasure working with you on your North Kingstown home sale!