What a Septic Install Means to Sellers and Real Estate Agents
In current lending guidelines, lenders will not lend to a buyer
for a property that has a cesspool (at least not in most of RI real estate)… so a septic system installation means a lot to the sellers and Real Estate Agents involved (and of course the home buyers). It is a rhetorical question – do you want to sell your house or not? Then you need to put in a septic system prior to a home closing.
Cesspools (considered sub-standard waste water treatment systems and just holes in the ground) are rampant throughout much of RI and especially near our beautiful Narragansett Bay. We do have mandates for replacement to onsite wastewater treatment systems (OTWS) systems from the state for homeowners within 200 feet of salt water by the end of 2015. However, as is very evident right now, you can’t enforce a change when you have little to no money to lend to homeowners at a low interest rate to make this changeover. Yet the state legislature has mandated that with the sale of any property that has a cesspool must be replaced now as of January 2016.
So I started taking pictures of of one of my sellers’ progression from cesspool to septic system recently.
I was able to determine and seek out money, before this transaction went south, that had come available from our RI Housing Authority to lend at a 2% interest rate for the cesspool changeover to septic.
So my sellers applied for and received the low cost loan and hired a reputable and state certified septic install contractor to do the installation. They were able to put in a flow diffuser OWTS (on site waste waste treatment system) and even with competitive bids because of the land layout and placement it was a $14,000 investment and expenditure. Not cheap! It was quite a project but the pictures really speak volumes about it. So take a look…
My sellers successfully sold their property by being better informed by me then other RI real estate agents on cesspool/septic systems. It was one of the top three things that originally secured my listing for this home.
Other potential North Kingstown real estate agents offered the sellers no advice on the potential pitfalls they would experience in trying to sell their home with the cesspool. And without the low cost loan, they would have otherwise waited for a cash buyer to come forward on a $300,000 home. We all would still be waiting…So a septic install here makes for happy sellers and Real Estate Agents and ultimately satisfied buyers. What a Septic Install means to Sellers and Real Estate Agents.
UPDATE: As of July 2014, another new North Kingstown septic lending program is available to North Kingstown homeowners at a 2% interest rate. Quite a great program.
See the information here on the septic loan program.
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What a Septic Install Means to Sellers and Real Estate Agents
Do you know of any grants/loans for residence of Hopkinton as of 2015?
Thank you for your time,
USDA loans are your best bet through any local bank in the area.
Thank you for the insight about the importance of a septic system installation in every home. This is definitely something that one has to consider whether you are purchasing a property or the one selling the property. All the best Ginny and stay the most consistent north kingstown short sale agent.
Debra Harr
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