To White Knight or not White Knight in Septic Systems?
The White Knight Septic preservation system is an alternative

Keep RI Waters Clean
to an OWTS (onsite wastewater treatment system), formerly known as an ISDS, has been in effect in the state of RI and approved by the Department of Environmental Management (DEM) for the past two years. It is a remediation system that inoculates the septic system with aerobic bacteria that will ‘eat’ the biomat and keep the septic flowing and healthy (this is a short and sweet version of what it does). Thereby not needing a total OWTS replacement being installed. This is huge change and alternative for homeowners in RI and other states. It is also a consideration when you are looking for RI real estate in all of South County RI.
In what is considered the ‘critical resource’ areas (CRA) of RI, from Westerly to North Kingstown RI, the homes in these areas must have alternative septic systems done for failed systems or cesspools. Now the critical resource areas go far beyond the 200 feet from the waterfront and it has a lot to do with a water flow to the coast and preserving what does Not go into our coastal waters.
The time frames for this deadline for approximately 3000 homeowners is 2013. However, since the sand filtration has been our best alternative OWTS up to this point for homeowners within 200 feet of the coastline, this White Knight septic preservation system, cost comes into play here as a very attractive septic fix alternative. The White Knight system does have semi-annual maintenance that must be done in order to ensure the system is viable. Since it is guaranteed – if you do not honor the maintenance contract your system is no longer guaranteed is my understanding. Cost approximately $5200-$6300 for the installation of the White Knight system.
RI cesspools within 200 feet of a water area have to be replaced, as well as they should be, since they are just a hole in the ground filled with rocks which the sewage goes into. Some of the coastal and waterfront homes have no land, other then what the home stands on, to put a new septic system in. I am very curious to how the RI DEM will deal with this one. Since I live along the Narragansett Bay coastal area, I see neighbors that have very little feet square of usable land to use- so what do they do?
Homeowners ask me when the septic system fails the inspection test …What should I do?…should I put a White Knight septic preservation system in with little disruption to my land or do i do a new leach field, cut down trees, etc.? I do not have a solid answer and I have done considerable research on it. Have asked some of the best minds in RI and still get varying answers. I do not give advice in an area I am no expert in, and this is one of them, but I do like to give some direction for information that will be helpful to homeowners.
So if you have knowledge in this septic preservation and OWTS area, I would love to hear your take on it since many other states have been using the White Knight system for years.
To White Knight or not White Knight?
Ginny Lacey Gorman is your go to agent for homes for sale in North Kingstown RI and beyond…knowing the geographic area, schools, happenings, important tidbits of local information and businesses well. She’s the RI agent with the Sparkly Red Shoes.
Waterfront, oceanfront, luxury and coastal RI homes for sale are her specialty but all of RI is her backyard. When you are in need of a good professional for your buying and selling needs find an internet savvy marketer who sells RI houses in this real estate market and call Ginny at 401.529.7849.
A rough idea of what the white knight septic system costs in rhode island?
I have private messaged you to contact a good company that does the onsite wastewater system installations that might work for you. Good luck, Ginny
I am a homeowner in New York state. We had bigger and bigger problems with our septic system, until it finally failed to the surface in 2008. We had the White Knight MIG installed, and have not had any problems since. We don’t pump anymore — with proper maintenance there is simply no sludge or scum in the tank. It doesn’t even smell bad anymore.
Art, it is great to hear other good reports from other users of the white knight system too. thank you!
Good morning, Ginny….I think this is a great idea and those who own homes on the water will be saved by this system.