Sand filtration systems – Waterfront RI Real Estate Demands It
There is something to be said about septic systems…they all have a useful life and if you live in a Rhode Island home you need them

It is not a sandbox!
for your waste products from your sinks, toilets, showers and tubs which leave your home through the pipes. These septic systems must be up to date and functioning so the contents do not back up into the home. Holy, moly believe me I have seen it happen with homes in my RI real estate realm.

Keep the coastal RI real estate water pure
When walking around Wickford RI recently I snapped a picture of a sand filtration system that is right by a kids play yard…it does look like a sandbox does it not? These are very high end systems that process the waste from the home and ensure that it is processed so that what leaches into Wickford Harbor does not pollute our pristine Narragansett Bay. Their costs are much higher than an OWTS system – about 2 to 3 times the cost depending on the RI DEM’s determination by location.
This article is very useful, thx! This has been very much appreciated
information on RI coastal and waterview real estate!