When Entrepreneurs DO Right in Their Home State – Alex and Ani
If you have not heard of the jewelry chain Alex and Ani you will soon. Like the Rhode Island real estate coastline, the enthusiastic wave of how this Rhode Island jewelry company is spreading like a tsunami to buyers across the country and
beyond is wild.
What began in RI in 2004 for this jewelry entrepreneur is exciting women everywhere.
What she gives back to the state of RI in entrepreneurial know how, investment and appreciation for her RI roots sets her apart. Family & friends call me from other states excited about Alex & Ani jewelry I send them and its mantra. It evokes a real sense of pride to see a Rhode Island company hit the right nerves for women of all ages.
What can businesses and companies learn from Alex and Ani’s business sense?
You can see it and I don’t have to tell you that in a struggling economy a company that gives back is supported tenfold by the consumer. Alex and Ani is growing! And is that not wonderful to see and support. All I can say is that it is wonderful When Entrepreneurs DO Right in Their Home State – Alex and Ani.