North Kingstown RI 02852 Real Estate Stats

North Kingstown RI 02852 Real Estate Stats


Market Stats

North Kingstown Real Estate Info

for March 2011 are as follows:

14 North Kingstown homes sold:

2 homes sold for over $400,000
1 home sold between $300,000- $400,000
11 homes sold for under $300,000


March 2011 was a month that had 168 North Kingstown homes for sale which was a 6% increase over the prior months numbers.  Although it is a spring market, unlike the crocuses popping, we are not seeing the usual home inventory increase yet, if at all.


Spring weather although cold is finally showing signs of real warmth by the waterfront and coastal North Kingstown RI….so what better time to buy!  Interesting the strongest sales continue to be in the under $300,000 range as first time home buyers are stepping forward and out of their apartments to buy.


The number of North Kingstown homes sold in March was down by 26% to 14 homes sold over the prior month of February 2011.  Unusual because the winter in 2011 was a busy time for home purchases.  As long as pending home sales remain ‘buoyant’ and continue their steady trend.


The pending (in purchase and sales agreement) home sales in North Kingstown are down by 2 transactions in March but the number is still steady at 25 North Kingstown homes waiting on final closing.  Optimistic on home sales right now in all the nooks and crannies of waterfront Wickford Village, Plum Beach, Shore Acres, Wickford Highlands,etc. Explore it and give me a call for help in your property search.


North Kingstown RI 02852 Real Estate Stats


Ginny Lacey Gorman is your go to agent for homes for sale in North Kingstown RI and beyond…knowing the geographic area, schools, happenings, important tidbits of local information and businesses well. She’s the RI agent with the Sparkly Red Shoes.


Waterfront, oceanfront and coastal RI homes for sale are her specialty but all of RI is her backyard. Work with an internet savvy marketer who sells RI houses in this real estate market, call Ginny at 401.529.7849.