The $750 billion Question?
It may be bigger than the housing bubble and many of you already know the answer to this question:
student loan debt.
Student loan debt is on the rise as students parents who would try to help fund college costs have had to rein in the money pipeline to take care of their own debt and retirement. CNN money says that the average college graduate is graduating with at least $25,000 of student debt and believe it is much higher than that figure.
So what that does student loan debt have to do with housing or the U.S. economy?
Although we hear all this smoke and mirror talk of how real estate is improving it certainly is all local. We need to be thoughtful and realistic that the housing crisis is not the only issue that has and will continue to hit this bumpy economy and impact the continued housing recovery.
This is reality and the U.S. government has not taken ownership of addressing how our future graduates will ever be able to buy real estate with this increase of debt on their backs. Yes, the $750 billion question needs answers.