When Your Name as a Real Estate Agent Becomes a Household Name
As a new month begins and the Rhode Island real estate closings line up to come to be (most hopefully so), some real estate clients you may be closer to
than others. Perhaps it is the personalities involved as well as the ‘sticktuitiveness’ that we both, as clients and Real Estate Agents have. There is a bond that is established that establishes you as part of the family when you are close to them…it is like being a household name.
Sometimes it can take years and other times months- it just all flows well. Babies can be born, animals acquired, and more than the usual stuff for sure. It is why you want your name to remain a household name with your clients. Clients for life we always hope for in RI real estate.
One of my past clients has an adorable child and over the course of many months of his growing into his ‘twos’ we always had contact. He never uttered a word around me but he always was so mischievous and playful. Kept his mom in constant motion especially in the new home with the many stairs that were gated off.