Words the Buyers Love to Hear: Clear to Close in Charlestown RI
There is nothing better than the ring a linging of those three words: clear to close. When the buyers lender called me up today to let

Home ownership – Charlestown RI Real Estate
me know that we were good for a Monday morning closing. It is time for this Charlestown RI home for sale that is just right for these buyers. This home has special meaning to me since these young buyers are buying a Freddie Mac foreclosed home that has taken 4 months to get to the closing table.
Nothing is easy about the buying process for this home..from the inspection to the radon in the water to the bacteria in the well…Oh, it just went on and on. The buyers have work to do in this home but they have great expansion possibilities in the upstairs that has been all rough finished for them. With 2 acres of land, low real estate taxes and just 10 minutes from town, they are planning their future with the words I love to hear: clear to close!!
Also, they are getting a present from the Bank…not going to spoil it because it will definitely put the cabash on it at this point! Even with all the issues to get this sweet Charlestown RI home to closing, the REO agent and her team were very cooperative with getting things done (well I am known as a sweet talker) to please my buyers lender prior to closing. And we have no snow…shhh!
So I’m counting the hours with my buyers until we get there…lets see that is 123 hours and counting down….think I am a bit crazed by this point…oh no…this is how a North Kingstown real estate agent celebrates!
Words the Buyers Love to Hear: Clear to Close in Charlestown RI.
Ginny Lacey Gorman is your go to North Kingstown Real Estate agent for real estate in Charlestown RI and beyond…knowing the geographic area, schools, happenings, important tidbits of information and businesses well.
As a North Kingstown short sale agent, if you are having trouble paying your mortgage contact Ginny to help you through the short sale process successfully.
Waterfront, oceanfront, luxury and coastal RI real estate are her specialty but all of RI is her backyard. When you are in need of a good professional for your buying and selling needs and an internet savvy marketer who sells RI houses in this real estate market – call Ginny at 401.529.7849.