Are Tax Returns Needed in a Mortgage Application An age all question when buying a home and applying for a mortgage: Are tax returns needed in a mortgage application from the buyers? My … [Read more...]
Waterfront Homes in RI, Ocean front Homes in Rhode Island
by Ginny
Are Tax Returns Needed in a Mortgage Application An age all question when buying a home and applying for a mortgage: Are tax returns needed in a mortgage application from the buyers? My … [Read more...]
by Ginny
Why so Few VA Mortgages Are Obtained by Veterans? George Soutu, mortgage lender, read an article this past month in National Mortgage News titled"Underused VA Mortgage Program Makes Inroads" by Brian … [Read more...]
by Ginny
Buying a Home is Not Just About Location in Real Estate| 5 Questions to Ask Is It All About Location in RI Real Estate? By no means NO Whether you are buying a home or selling, location in the … [Read more...]
by Ginny
Credit Bureau Credit Scores - What is the Difference Between Them? What is the difference between the 3 credit bureaus' credit scores? Home buyers and sellers ask why are credit scores … [Read more...]
by Ginny
Real Estate Agent | Do I Need a RI real estate agent? So you are starting to look to buy a home without a real estate agent and say to me why do I need one? For someone who has owned a … [Read more...]
by Ginny
Are You Ready to be a Rhode Island Landlord? Sometimes Rhode Island landlord options pop into RI homeowner minds. Sparked by my conversation with an expired home listing homeowner the … [Read more...]
by Ginny
Wind Turbines are Green Energy - But in Your Neighborhood? Well residents of the North Kingstown Green subdivision have a 413 foot wind turbine going up behind the developers yard … [Read more...]
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Your information is kept secure and confidential. Understand that Rhode Island's housing market differs from the rest of the country and is very town and neighborhood specific. I look forward to hearing from you!